18 October 2023

A Generous Day--A Paragraph a Day

I'd like this day of mine to be a generous one.  When the day is over some hours from now, I'd like to look back on it and be able to think about times when I was generous to someone else.  Of course, if that's how I want the day to end, then it's important that I make a conscious effort to be generous for the next fourteen hours or so, isn't it?  I'm going to have a lot of opportunities to be generous, by sharing whatever I have, by sharing compliments and encouragement, even possibly by overlooking some fault or mistake of another person and fixing a problem myself.  At my school, sometimes being generous concerns picking up some trash in the cafeteria so that the janitor doesn't have to do so, and I make his job just a bit easier.  Of course, if I do so, I don't want to tell him that I did, for then my action is less about being generous and more about wanting thanks for my "generous" action.  I can be generous with my time by listening to someone who seems to need to talk--even if I had something to say that I thought was very important.  When all is said and done, of course, my listening is almost always more generous than my talking.  So can I do it?  Can I make this a generous day?  I certainly hope so, and now that I'm thinking about it, perhaps it will be easier for me to do so.  Wish me luck!

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