31 May 2023

Creating a Garden--A Paragraph a Day

When the world wearies and society ceases
to satisfy there's always the garden.   -William Affleck

It's the gardening time of the year again, and this year we have a new garden to try to make our own, as we have a new home.  It's a nice way to spend our time because we're doing work that we enjoy to add value--sentimental value, mostly--to the home that we live in.  Not only is it nice to look out at the pretty flowers and plants, but it's also somewhat fulfilling to use our energy and creativity to make the garden look nice and even feel nice.  We're working to create something that is alive and that contributes something positive to the world, aesthetically and naturally.  We're helping to provide pollen for the bees and beauty for the eye, and we get to contribute to the world by helping something else to grow and to live.  And of course, it gives us a wonderful metaphor for life--making our own lives better by helping others.  Service to others is what can help us to make our own lives worthwhile--we enrich ourselves by helping others, be they human or animal or plant, and we can at the same time make the world a slightly better place for others, too.

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