27 September 2023

Things Don't Always Go Our Way--A Paragraph a Day

It might be nice if things went the ways that we want them to go much more often than they do, wouldn't it?  This is what we tend to think because if things went the ways we wanted them to, then we'd face much less stress when we had to deal with things that run counter to our wishes or our expectations.  After all, if things aren't going well at work, I may have to deal with this fact by trying to change those things, working with them and becoming unhappy at my job, or even leaving the job for something else.  If things change in ways that force us to compromise our ideals or principles, for example, leaving a job may become absolutely necessary for our peace of mind.  But most things aren't that important.  Many things are simply annoyances or inconveniences, and it might do us well to practice the art of accepting things that may annoy us or frustrate us, and learn to live with a new reality that might not have been one of our choice, but that most certainly is a new reality.  This acceptance will allow us to look at the change as something that simply is, and if we want to maintain our peace of mind and peace of heart, then the best thing that we can do is accept it and move on with the task of making ourselves the best we can be.  I imagine that many, many people have been upset at societal changes--women getting the vote, slaves being freed, civil rights being recognized, and on and on and on--but those people who have thrived have been those who understood that things aren't always going to go the ways they want, so it's time to accept things as they are and work within the new reality.  And personally, I hope always to be a person who thrives rather than one who holds on to resentment and refusal to change.

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