Thoughts and ideas on what goes into living our lives fully and happily. There are no set answers here, just some observations of life and living that hopefully can help you to see things in a positive light!
29 September 2023
If Just One Person--A Paragraph a Day
28 September 2023
Authenticity--A Paragraph a Day
27 September 2023
Things Don't Always Go Our Way--A Paragraph a Day
25 September 2023
Finally Finishing--A Paragraph a Day
24 September 2023
So Much to Learn--A Paragraph a Day
23 September 2023
Encouragement Is So Simple--A Paragraph a Day
22 September 2023
It's Going to Be a Beautiful Day--A Paragraph a Day
21 September 2023
Getting out and Doing Something--A Paragraph a Day
18 September 2023
Experience: A Wonderful Teacher--A paragraph a Day
I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives.
But all of life's experiences, bad and good, make you who you are.
Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake. -Luis Miguel
It's fascinating how life works. I had thought that things had settled down a bit, that I was going to be able to go for a certain amount of time without anything drastic happening, but then some members of my family decided to dash that thought to tiny little pieces. And over the summer, a very negative and difficult time played out in my life. But I made it through, and I did my best to keep reminding myself that no matter how difficult things got, other people have much more difficult problems to deal with, and I was being exposed to an opportunity to learn through trial, and it was a trial that definitely wasn't going to kill me or destroy any part of my life. So I made it through and I learned a lot, all because I was pushed into a situation in which I ended up learning a lot about my family and myself, and which brought back a whole lot of childhood issues, many of which I'm afraid were never fully processed--so I have the chance now to process some of the things that could have been processed decades ago, had I had any support at the time that would have allowed me to do so. I like Luis' words here--our experiences make us who we are. We learn from them, or we don't. I would add that our responses to those experience play a great role in how much or just what we learn, but this passage is just as good without my addition. What are you going through right now? What did you go through in July, or in the spring, or in the winter? What did it teach you? Did you learn those lessons and take them to heart? It's important that you do so because life gives us ways to learn all the time, but it's up to us to learn from them or not, to see their value or to let them harm us. I prefer to learn from my experiences, as the more I learn, the more I grow more fully into the person I'm meant to be.
17 September 2023
What Do I "Deserve"?--A Paragraph a Day
There is too little idea of personal responsibility;
too much of "the world owes me a living,"
forgetting that if the world does owe you a living,
you must be your own collector. -Theodore N. Vail
I start with the above quotation because it seems to me that this tendency is getting more and more predominant among people, especially here in the United States. Our tendency to feel entitled to whatever it is we think we deserve is getting stronger, and unfortunately, we're getting more and more willing to harm other people in our quest to collect that which we think we deserve. Our characters are being warped by our thoughts of what we deserve without doing any work to get it. The truth of the matter is that we truly "deserve" very little as human being who just happened to be born into the society in which we were born. I believe that because we're born into a society, we are entitled to the very basics of life, such as food and shelter and clothing on a basic level, but anything beyond that should be worked for, should be achieved--because that's what helps human beings to grow and develop and get stronger in life, the effort and work that it takes to make a great career, to buy just the right house, to reach a state of abundance rather than wallowing in a state of want. The world has a whole lot to offer us, but many people see what it has to offer and simply say, "I should have that because I deserve it." They don't keep in mind that other people have had to struggle harder than they have, that many have come into the world with far fewer privileges than they've enjoyed--and perhaps, those other people "deserve" those things even more. But life isn't about looking around to try to find things that I deserve to have--rather, it's about coming to terms with those things that I truly desire, and then getting to work to accomplish what I need to accomplish to get them.
16 September 2023
A Privilege--A Paragraph a Day
14 September 2023
Who Am I?--A Paragraph a Day
My identity is very important to me--or rather, my identities are very important to me. I find it fascinating that I have so many of them, depending on the situation. I have certain core ideals and beliefs and morals that exist across the identities, but the fact is that there's no way that I could ever make an argument that I have a single, consistent identity. I value telling the truth, but there are situations in which I wouldn't feel that the truth is appropriate. I'm not a violent person by any means, but I can imagine situations in which violence may be the best course of action, I'm always going to do my best to maintain the behaviors that I know are helpful and kind and compassionate, but there are days when I'm turned inside and I miss opportunities to show those traits. I'm pretty easy-going in class with my students, but when someone tries my patience (especially if they do so on purpose), I'm going to act in a different way with them. I think that sometimes we get down on ourselves because we feel that we've somehow betrayed ourselves when a different trait surfaces, when we're not as kind to someone as we wish we had been, when we say something we wish we hadn't said, when we do something we wish we hadn't done. While it may be appropriate sometimes to examine such actions firmly, it also is important to remember that the idea of "who we are" could be expanded to include "who we are in a given situation," while keeping in mind that the person we need to be in situation A may not be the person we need to be in situation B. Life is full of changes and shifts, and a "foolish consistency" isn't going to serve anyone well, least of all ourselves.
12 September 2023
Those Little Disasters--A Paragraph a Day
11 September 2023
Walk away, of Confront?--A Paragraph a Day
10 September 2023
I Wasn't Enough--A Paragraph a Day
It interests me sometimes to ponder the past, to think about how I was years ago, decades ago. In my memory, almost everything I remember is just like yesterday, but it's also a million years ago. I think of how I was at age five, age twenty, age thirty--usually thrown back in time by a particular song that I hear, or a food that I eat, or a piece of news that I'm reminded of. One of the commonalities of all the me's that I remember in my early life is that I was constantly cursed with the idea that I wasn't enough, that I didn't measure up to anyone's standards or needs. I lost out on a lot because of this tendency, especially as far as relationships were concerned. I thought that people didn't want to be around me, that they found me lacking, that they preferred to be with someone else. And I believe that in many cases, my feeling became a self-fulfilling prophecy because I was constantly trying to be someone I wasn't, to make people like me, to force something positive to happen with someone else because I didn't trust it to happen without my help. I no longer do this, and my life is much, much easier and much more pleasant now that I don't. I'm fine just the way I am, and I no longer feel the need for anyone else's validation--I appreciate it when I get it, but my own happiness doesn't hang in the balance when it comes or it doesn't. I am enough, just the way I am, and I'm completely willing to accept myself just as I am. If someone else doesn't see it, that's okay--they're missing out on something they'll never know about, but I'm not going to put myself down or blame myself for their lack of acceptance or caring. I like life much better this way.
08 September 2023
Wind and Fences--A Paragraph a Day
07 September 2023
New Trials--A Paragraph a Day
I generally hope that things are going to go well in any given situation, but experience tells me that this won't always be the case. Sometimes, things turn out pretty poorly, and when they do, it's up to us to make the most out of a poor situation, so to speak. I'm in that situation now, for example--I was hired at the school I'm at to teach Spanish, an area of expertise in which I have a lot of experience and training, and in which I'm quite competent. We also have very good resources available to us for teaching Spanish, so I have plenty of materials for class. Unfortunately, though, it turns out that I'm teaching only one Spanish class and three other courses that I've never taught before, and for which I have no resources at all. In other words, I'm preparing every class from scratch, trying to scrape together materials and make a semester work for the students. This is an incredibly stressful and time-consuming situation, to say the least. So what do I have to do? I have to do the job, of course, or leave the school--which would leave a whole lot of students without a teacher. And when I do the job, I have to try to keep focused on the positive when I can find it. I have to try to remember always that what I do, I do for the students, not for the administrators who have put me into this awful situation. I have to try to find ways to make myself look forward to going to school rather than dreading it, and to look forward to preparing classes rather than hating the process. If I don't make this shift in perspective, I'm in for a miserable semester, and who wants that? How things turn out over the next few months really is up to me, and I'm not the only one affected--my students, also, will know if I'm miserable or if I'm enjoying the work that I'm doing. And they don't deserve to have me at my worst as a teacher.