20 September 2018

We've got to have fun

Fun is fundamental.  There is no way around it.  You absolutely must
have fun.  Without fun, there is no enthusiasm.  Without enthusiasm,
there is no energy.  Without energy, there are only shades of gray.
-Doug Hall

I know many people who consider having fun to be of secondary importance.  They're focused on work and tasks and paying bills, and to them, having fun is something for kids--or worse, something childish.  "Life's serious," they'll tell you.  "You have to take it seriously."  Of course, there isn't a smile on their faces when they tell you this.

I've had enough of taking things too seriously, though.  I've seen the results of this:  ulcers and high blood pressure and addictions and depression.  We do need to take much of life seriously--I would never consider not earning as decent a wage as I can, or not doing my job as well as I possibly can--but that seriousness needs to be balanced with fun and enjoyment and relaxation.  Our bodies and our hearts and our spirits all benefit from us enjoying ourselves, and it's not a good idea not to do so.

When I go to group things like picnics, I'm amazed at how quickly adults sit down to talk to each other about the same things they always talk to each other about.  Personally, I prefer to be with the kids who are playing at these events, because I don't want to hear the same old complaints about work and family and society in general.  I want to run and play tag and just be, along with a bunch of people who are also just being their authentic selves.  Who cares if they haven't been on this planet as long as I have?  They know how to have fun much better than the adults do.  I spend plenty of time being an adult--when I have a chance to have fun, I take it.

We've got to find time for fun--or make time for fun if it's not there now.  And fun doesn't have to be running around and playing.  I have a lot of fun reading, or watching an enjoyable show (even cartoons!), or baking, or going for nice walks.  Fun is relative, of course, but it's also necessary, and I hope that you're able to put more fun in your life--for your sake!

 quotes and passages about fun

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