24 April 2023

Flowing with Life?--A Paragraph a Day

Sometimes life doesn't flow as smoothly as it does other times.  We go through periods of time when it's more difficult to focus, when things feel useless or hopeless, when there doesn't seem to be any "normal" to life any more.  I know that for me, these periods are marked by my inability to focus strongly on just about anything, and a lack of a sense of purpose in what I do.  These feelings used to disturb me and make me feel uncomfortable, but since I've learned to recognize them and understand that they're merely symptoms of something else, they don't bother me a bit.  I simply try to accept them and I accept the fact that for a certain period of time I'm not going to be as productive as I normally am, and I'm probably not going to accomplish much.  And that's okay.  One of the most important things I can do for myself as a person is to give myself a break when things aren't going perfectly and not expect more out of myself than I'm able to give at any given point.  As long as I'm not just rationalizing a desire to be lazy, then I'm fine with being unproductive, and I enjoy allowing life to take its twists and turns and to take me with it.  As Longfellow said so long ago, "Some days must be dreary," and I've come to accept those dreary days as being just as important as any bright and shiny day may be.

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