23 January 2023

Snow Day--A Paragraph a Day

Today was a snow day, one of my favorite things in the world.  The best part of it was that we got the call last night cancelling school, so when I went to bed, I knew that I didn't have to get ready to go to school/work in the morning.  We ended up with about a foot of snow, and the roads were a mess this morning, so it was a good call.  I like snow days because they're a change--they're a relaxing day when I expected to have a work day.  They're peacefulness and no stress, because I make sure that I stay at home and take advantage of the opportunity to relax that I hadn't expected.  I do shovel snow, of course, but that's a job I like doing.  Days like today make me wonder why I don't make more of my own snow days.  Why don't I call in sick every once in a while, just to give myself a well deserved break?  I would want to make a habit of it, but there would be nothing wrong with doing so every now and then, just because.  It's worth thinking about, I believe.  For now, I'm just glad that I had a nice, peaceful day that will end up shortening our week, too.

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